Tributes paid to ‘outstanding’ former Federation Chairman

TRIBUTES have been paid following the death of former South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman Neil Bowles.

His successor Zuleika Payne described the passing of her predecessor as one of  the ‘saddest moments’ she’s ever experienced. Neil Bowles led the Federation from 2011 until 2016.

He died this August, aged just 57.

“This was a man who continually went the extra mile to try and make matters better for police officers,” Zuleika said.

“He had presence, he had rank and he was held in high regard. I became the vice chair to Neil in 2012 and became the chair of the board in September 2016 as Neil had to leave the organisation earlier than expected.

“What it brought home was, despite all we do and all that we achieve, we are still incredibly vulnerable.

“It was completely crushing to see such a kind-hearted, outstanding individual have to suffer in this way. It’s one of the saddest moments I’ve ever experienced.”

“The funeral was beautifully well attended,” she added.

“These situations are never pleasant but what was reassuring and what I took from it was the strength of the police family, the number of people who turned up to pay their respects as sadly we had to say farewell to an outstanding colleague.”