Welcoming South Yorkshire Police Federation’s new Chairman

WELCOMING South Yorkshire Police Federation’s new Chairman Steve Kent.

Steve joined the police service in 2002, and has been a frontline response officer for the entirety of his service so far. He joined South Yorkshire Police Federation in 2016 as Sheffield’s constable rep specialising in discipline and welfare.

Having recently been elected as Chairman of the Federation, Steve says he’s looking forward to the challenge, promising to give nothing but 100% commitment and passion to his new role. He said:

“I see the Chair as somebody that has got a lot of energy for the role and I think I can make a difference.

“I want to have good relations with the managers in South Yorkshire. This is something I’ve already got but I want to work and build on them, and I think it’ll be really positive going forward.

“My focus is going to be on health and wellbeing within the force, that’s my priority.

“There needs to be a direction change in regard to health and wellbeing. This needs to come first, and not just because it’s a HMIC indicator. It needs to be focused on because we need to sort it out, because there’s some serious morale issues in South Yorkshire. I think we can do more and I’m going to be more proactive in approaching the managers about it.

“If we can get cops right, and we can get cops healthy and happy to be in work then the service to the public will increase.”

Steve said he wanted to be more proactive as Chairman, being available to his members and visible in the force. He continued: “I want to improve the Federations visibility. I’m going to be going out to briefings, I’m going to be sending emails out to cops, I’m going to be going out and working shifts with cops. I want to keep my foot in the door with the frontline officers. I want to be out there and visible so all members will know me and know I’m approachable.

“I’m excited to get going. I’m sure it will take me a week or two to get used to it all, but I’m just really keen to get the ball rolling.

“I’ve still got some bits to learn, but what I promise to give is 100% commitment and passion, and I hope that’s what the cops already see from me.

“I want to leave this position, whenever I do so, with the force being a lot happier and better placed that what it is when I start.”