Government claim on violence is just ‘spin’

THE Government’s recent claim that cuts are not to blame for a rise in gun and knife related crime, should be treated with caution, says South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair, Zuleika Payne.

In a controversial statement, Home Secretary Amber Rudd said that the spate of violence in London in particular was fuelled by drugs and social media.

She said there was ‘no evidence’ that police cuts were responsible.

Many Police Federations reacted angrily to the claims.

Greater Manchester Police Chairman Ian Hanson said the cuts meant that the Government was allowing people’s loved ones to die on the streets.

“The politicians tell us it’s not about Police numbers… yet the response to the crisis in our capital this week is to draft in 300 additional police officers from across London – they can’t have it both ways,” he said.

“People’s loved ones are dying on their watch because of these cuts.”

Zuleika says the Government’s view has stirred up negative press about policing and that the good work which is going on is being overlooked.

“What they (the Government) are saying is that because officer numbers have dropped then the expectation is that gun, gang and knife crime should actually be much higher than it is.

“The Home Secretary would have you believe that because all the officers we have are doing a great job, we don’t need anymore.

“It’s an interesting spin on the facts, feeding their agenda and justifying dismantling the police service.”