‘Remove, Remove, Remove’ – a reminder for officers

OFFICERS who are likely to be first responders to acid or chemical attacks are being reminded of the protocol around attending the incidents.

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) says advice via the ‘Remove, Remove, Remove’ campaign is being republished in the wake of the suspected nerve agent attack in Salisbury.

The guidelines are also being re-issued to cover the rise in acid attacks, which have more than doubled in recent years.

The original Initial Operational Response (IOR) training was rolled out to all frontline staff who would likely to be a first responder to a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) incident.

The nerve agent attack on former Russian spy Sergei Skirpal and his daughter Yulia have brought the procedures into sharp focus and officers are being urged to ensure they are aware of what to do should they be potentially exposed to hazardous vapours, liquids or powders.

DS Nick Bailey who attended the incident is now stable after being in a critical condition, while a second officer is also receiving treatment.

The campaign is backed by the NPPC, the National Fire Chiefs Council, the joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles and the National Ambulance Resilience Unit (NARU).

Responders are being reminded to use caution and keep a safe distance themselves to avoid exposure and instruct those affected to remove themselves from the immediate area, remove outer clothing and remove any substances from their skin if directly affected.

Exposure may not always be obvious so acting quickly is key.

To see the guidelines visit; www.naru.org.uk/remove-remove-remove-refreshed-ior-messaging-is-released-by-naru/