Become a Federation Rep and support your colleagues

SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation will be holding elections for Federation Representatives on 1 February 2018.

The elections are part of the changes recommended by the independent review of the Police Federation by Sir David Normington. South Yorkshire will be looking for additional workplace Federation reps.

Chair Zuleika Payne said it is crucial that South Yorkshire Police Federation reflects the officers in the force.

She explained: “The requirements of the Normington review are such that it’s important that we have representation across the force for the federated ranks, and for those underrepresented groups.

“We would encourage people who have considered becoming a Federation rep to contact us in the Federation office, or maybe speak to their local workplace representative in order to find out more about what it’s like to be a Federation rep.”

Zuleika has been a Federation rep since 2005 and said it is a hugely rewarding – and challenging – role to carry out.

She said: “The work itself can be incredibly absorbing, you’re dealing with people who are sometimes at their lowest point, and the issues they’re contending with can sometimes be all-consuming for them and have a huge impact on their welfare and day-to-day life.

“By becoming a Federation rep you are there to lend an ear, offer support, sometimes to be that shoulder to cry on, and that in itself is incredibly rewarding.

“We join the police organisation and become police officers because we want to put something back into society and improve the welfare of society. Becoming a Federation rep means that you take that one step further as you’re looking after the individuals who serve as police officers and the issues that affect them.

Quite often, what motivates people to become a Federation rep is the fact that they’ve had to call upon the services of the Police Federation themselves, and to that end they want to put something back.

“You’re very lucky if you can get through your police career without needing the Federation. That’s not necessarily just in relation to discipline matters. We also assist people who are injured on duty, having suffered an accident whilst at work, and we also deal with matters of equality and potential discrimination cases.

“So you don’t necessarily have to have done something wrong to need the support of the Police Federation. You could find yourself in a victim domain and need some moral support.”