Importance of SYP looking after colleagues highlighted by HMIC

SOUTH Yorkshire Police has “some improvements to make to ensure it has processes in place to allow for the early identification of and support for staff wellbeing issues.”

That’s the view of Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Service (HMICFRS) which analysed how legitimate the force is at keeping people safe and reducing crime, alongside the role of the leadership team in shaping force culture.

South Yorkshire Police was found to be ‘good’ at treating the people its serves with fairness and respect, and ensuring its workforce behaves ethically and lawfully.

Only one area showed as requiring improvement – treating its workforce with fairness and respect, however since the original assessment, the force said it has taken a number of steps towards improving this, through the introduction of a wellbeing toolkit, and a number of events dedicated to encourage officers and staff to look after their physical and mental wellbeing.

Chief Constable Stephen Watson of South Yorkshire Police said: “This report and rating shows a real turning point for South Yorkshire Police and is a testament to the positive efforts of our officers and staff, who are working so hard to see the force improve.

“This report, while focusing considerably on the internal workings of South Yorkshire Police, is an important one. In order to build the public’s trust and confidence in the force, we must ensure we are supporting our officers and staff to be as good as they can be. To have an external organisation examine us in detail, and find us to be good is the first tangible reflection of our progress so far.”

HM Inspector of Constabulary Mike Cunningham said: “I am pleased to report that South Yorkshire Police has improved the legitimacy with which it keeps people safe and reduces crime. Last year the force was judged as requiring improvement; this year it is judged to be good. This is to be commended.

“The force understands the importance of treating people with fairness and respect and continues to emphasise the standard of behaviour it expects from the workforce. The force seeks feedback from those who use its services and encourages external advisory groups to examine its work closely.

“The force provides the public with clear, useful and accessible information about how to make a complaint. It is good also at keeping complainants updated and it supplies them with the relevant statutory information and the findings once a complaint has been resolved. The force also identifies, responds to and investigates allegations of discrimination well.

“The force has some improvements to make to ensure it has processes in place to allow for the early identification of and support for staff wellbeing issues. The force responds well to concerns and grievances raised by staff.”