Crime rising in South Yorkshire – and the whole country

CRIME is up 6% across England and Wales, new figures have shown.

There was a 3% increase in crime across South Yorkshire, with a total of 96,303 offences recorded, including 17,680 offences of violence – up 23% on the previous year.

Nationally, sex offences are up 36%, violent crime is up 27%, homicide is up 14%, knife crime is up 9%, fraud is up 5% and firearms offences are up 4%.

The Police Federation described the rising crime rates – published by the Office of National Statistics – as “shocking” and that they show “the risk to public safety is greater than ever.”

Steve White, Chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said: “These figures show an alarming rise in recorded crime.

“There were 1.3 million violent incidents in England and Wales in the last year – and yet the police service is currently operating with 17,000 fewer officers than five years ago.

“Sexual crimes are up from 73,003 to 99,609, and even the ONS concedes that this may be the tip of the iceberg because this type of offence often goes unreported compared with other types of crime. And the survey does not even include figures for cyber-crime which we also know is one of the fastest-growing areas of crime.”

Mr White said while the police were doing everything they could to stop crime in its tracks, the threat to public safety was a concern.

“The Government promised not to impose further budget cuts in November but forces still need to implement savings that were already in the pipeline. Officers report to us that they are finding it increasingly difficult to manage with the resources they currently have.

“These crime figures are worrying – showing an upward trend in virtually all the crime areas that seriously concern the public. And they don’t even begin to reflect the other work that the police also have to do which is not recorded in the figures, including counter-terrorism, managing sex offenders in the community, preventing sexual child exploitation, missing persons searches and dealing with people with mental health issues.

“Faced with the proof that is now staring us in the face, we need to take a long hard look at what these figures are telling us and sit down with Government to ensure that policing resources are not only protected but also further enhanced through appropriate police reform.

“We want to work together to ensure this upwards trend in crime is reversed – greater efficiencies through reform will underpin effectiveness in getting the job done, and hopefully be reflected in crime rates nationally.”