One person in charge of police and fire is “ridiculous”

THE roles of firefighter and police officer need to be kept totally separate as they are “totally different disciplines”, South Yorkshire Police Federation has said.

This month, ministerial responsibility for fire and rescue policy has transferred to the Home Office from the Department for Communities and Local Government. The Government also wants Police and Crime Commissioners to take on greater responsibility for fire services.

“They are totally different disciplines,” said Neil Bowles, Chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation. “Training for the roles is totally different, the working conditions are different. One’s unionised, one’s not.

“We are collaborating in South Yorkshire with the fire service, we’re going to share a police station and a fire station at Maltby with them.

“We do some overlapping work with RTCs and fires investigations, but we need to keep the service totally separate and the roles totally separate. And as for one person being in charge of both is a ridiculous plan.”

Police Minister Mike Penning – a former firefighter – will assume responsibility for the portfolio becoming Minister for Policing, Fire, Criminal Justice and Victims.”

According to the Government the move “will pave the way for improvement in local fire and policing by providing clear leadership, supporting greater collaboration and delivering value for money for taxpayers.”

The Police Federation of England and Wales said: “Police and fire services each have their own, professional specialisms – and we must not merge the services or change things purely as a cost-cutting exercise.”