THERE’S a New Start for us on Twitter today. South Yorkshire Police Federation has launched a new page @SYPolFed where you will be hearing from us regularly, keeping our members,… read more →
A NEW offence for those deliberately using, threatening or attempting to use a vehicle to target a police employee and the potential to increase the availability of Tasers and Spit… read more →
HUNDREDS of South Yorkshire Police officers were able to pay their respects to fallen colleague Matt Lannie, who was killed as he responded to an emergency call in April. South… read more →
EMERGENCY service workers are uniting as one in their support of a new law aimed at introducing tougher sentences for those who might take their lives them, South Yorkshire Police… read more →
THE chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation is ‘sick to death’ of videos being posted online and used by the media which don’t show police actions in context. Steve Kent… read more →
SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation says officers have the ‘tools but not the resources’ to shut down illegal raves and gatherings. New anti-virus legislation has empowered forces to hand out £10,000… read more →
Officers must take rest days and their annual leave allocation ‘now more than ever’ according to South Yorkshire Police Federation. More than 480,000 rest days are owed to officers across… read more →
SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation wants to see a more simplified College of Policing when it finishes its rebrand and relaunch. Part of the new look has seen the College of… read more →
POLICE watchdog the IOPC should be independently reviewed and assessed to check on its performance says South Yorkshire Police Federation. It says the much-criticised office has issues to resolve, but… read more →
COVID-19 will not stop police officers from remembering fallen colleagues. South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said it was vital the National Police Memorial Day still went ahead this… read more →