Follow @SYPolFed – a New Start for South Yorkshire Police Federation on Twitter

THERE’S a New Start for us on Twitter today.

South Yorkshire Police Federation has launched a new page @SYPolFed where you will be hearing from us regularly, keeping our members, the #PoliceFamily, public, politicians and the media informed of SYPF news and views – and to show the reality of being a South Yorkshire #Police officer in 2020.

We will make no apologies for promoting and highlighting on a daily basis on our new Twitter feed the challenges our members face, the difficulty and demands and the dangers. We will also hold politicians to account for the decisions they make which affect policing and police officers.

The wider world needs to know and appreciate this.

But as well as the above, we will use our new Twitter feed to also proudly promote the fantastic police work our colleagues carry out, the great court results, the tenacity, the generosity, the bravery. We will be much more regular and relevant.

What won’t change is Chairman Steve Kent regularly updating members and the wider world on this Facebook page of course.

And so please – if you are on Twitter – do give us a follow on @SYPolFed where we will be highlighting why policing really is a #JobLikeNoOther