National Police Memorial Day set to take place virtually this year

COVID-19 will not stop police officers from remembering fallen colleagues.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said it was vital the National Police Memorial Day still went ahead this year despite the restrictions the pandemic has imposed.

The important event in the police calendar will now take place at 3pm on 27th September online.

“We still need to mark it – obviously we are in unique times with COVID-19 and hopefully next September we’ll be able to get together again because it’s such a wonderful day,” Steve said.

“It’s a poignant day. I went last year, and it was good to support the families of officers who have fallen, but obviously, it was a sad day for all involved.

“We absolutely cannot forget, even if it is an online event as a one-off. It’s massively important that people van get together virtually and share some memories.”

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