South Yorkshire Police to Taser train 500 officers

SOUTH Yorkshire Police is taking a “big step forward” in training 500 extra police officers to carry Taser, the force’s Federation has said.

Steve Kent, Federation Chairman, would like all officers to be trained and equipped with Taser, but said this is necessarily financially viable and that a balance has to be met.

Steve said: “This 500-strong uplift is massive for us because small forces are talking about equipping everybody with a Taser. None of the big forces are because they can’t afford it. So that uplift for us is welcome.

“We ultimately wanted to see that every officer Taser trained has a Taser. But the cost that would be needed for that can’t detract from the recruiting process going forward. So I wouldn’t want us to get all these extra Tasers at the cost of 100 cops.

“This needs to be centrally funded long-term and driven by the Government. So I welcome the uplift which will see South Yorkshire have a considerably higher percentage of officers with Taser than other largely metropolitan forces.

“But ultimately our view is it needs to be treated like PAVA and CS and rolled out across the board. This is a big step in the right direction.”

The extra officers will be trained by March, meaning that 57% of all response staff will be equipped.  Until now just 43% of colleagues were Taser trained. South Yorkshire Police has also changed the rules so that single-crewed officers can now carry Taser, which increases availability Steve said.

Assistant Chief Constable David Hartley, South Yorkshire Police, said: “The use of Taser by police officers is incredibly effective at keeping the public and our officers safe. When faced with a violent or unpredictable, high-tension incidentn – such as an individual armed with a weapon, intent on causing harm to themselves the public or our officers- it is one of the most effective options available to officers.”