“I am sceptical about how much notice will be taken of the Strategic Review into policing.”

THE Strategic Review of Policing will assist the service after a difficult decade, South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said – but he is “sceptical” about how much change it will cause.

A comprehensive examination of policing aimed at improving the future of the service has been launched by the independent policing think tank The Police Foundation.

The review is examining police funding, what the “police mission” should be, the service’s capabilities, and how it should be structured and held to account. It will be chaired by Sir Michael Barber and the Police Federation of England and Wales, along with other agencies, will be contributing.

Steve said: “I am sceptical about how much notice will be taken to the Review. But it has to be a good thing that it’s taking place, especially as it’s independent. I think that it will help improve the state that policing has been left in after this last decade, and that has to be a good thing. The point will be how it’s acted on and what is actually produced. That’s my concern.

“I’m hoping the new government’s seemingly positive attitude towards policing will be reflected if they look at this properly, and hopefully act on it.”

John Apter, Chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, has called for all officers to get involved and make their voices heard in the consultation.

He said: “My colleagues are facing unprecedented demand as they deal with criminality increasing in terms of volume and complexity as well as being expected to deal with more and more non-crime related incidents, picking up the pieces as other public services struggle to cope.

“I encourage everyone – the public, police officers, and politicians – to fully engage with this review so it is truly able to evaluate what is needed to enable our police service to be the very best it can be now – and in the future.”