Christmas message: Highlighting excellent work of officers

“EVERY day incidents occur across South Yorkshire and the rest of the country that highlight the excellent work police officers are doing”.

In a Christmas message to officers, Neil Bowles (pictured), federation chairman, lamented that the media does not always pick up on the fantastic work of officers.

To see the full message, in which he wishes all members best wishes for Christmas and the New Year, click here.

“As 2013 draws to a close it is natural to look back on one year and forward to the next.

“Before I do so though I need to put things in perspective.

“Earlier this month, PC Luke Richards from Doncaster Response died from multiple cancers. He was only 28 years old and joined in 2012. He was diagnosed a matter of weeks before his death. People like to moan about their lot, but at times like this it brings it home just how precious life is. His family are from the south coast and a coachload of his colleagues attended the funeral.

“Just looking back through the pages of this site illustrates the sheer volume of news this year.  I do not want to depress you all so close to Christmas, but if you believe the media there is no good news.

“Everyday incidents occur across South Yorkshire and the rest of the country that highlight the excellent work police officers are doing on behalf of the public that do not get publicised. Recently there was a high speed pursuit with shots fired at Police that was totally ignored by the mainstream media.

“Damian Green, the Policing Minister made a speech recently which he concluded with:

“This government has been radical in its thinking. We have introduced democracy into policing for the first time; scrapped targets and ripped up red tape; created a new high-powered specialist agency to tackle organised crime; and introduced the College of Policing to increase professionalism in the force and build a new evidence-based approach to policing.”

“This just shows how out of touch and deluded Ministers of the Crown are with regard to the practical job of policing.

“He has a strange definition of democracy if referring to Police and Crime Commissioners, where less than 15% of the South Yorkshire public voted. Mr Wright did get a 51% majority on the first count but that means only about 7-8% of the total electorate supported him. Previously we had a Police Authority that mainly consisted of elected counsellors (Mr Wright being one) with a far more credible mandate.  Once elected there are no checks and balances – until the next election! The fact the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, a local South Yorkshire MP, whose Government is responsible for this reform, did not know the name of his local PCC sums up the success of this experiment.

“The Home Secretary and Police Minister keep saying that they have scrapped targets. Someone once said: “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” Obviously the ‘no targets regime’ has not got past the Home Office, as targets have been set by the PCC and we are measured against the so called similar forces by HMIC, and judged on our league position! Can anyone give me an example of reduced bureaucracy? Each time I hear someone boasting about this it usually means that a form has gone from one page to seven!

“The National Crime Agency has replaced the Serious and Organised Crime Agency, what’s new about that? Oh yes a vastly reduced budget! The College of Policing has been created, but all it will do is replace the NPIA and parts of ACPO PLC, and add to all the bureaucracy frontline cops have to comply with.

“As part of the Police Federation of England and Wales we await the final report of the Independent Review into our organisation – due in January. The interim report pulled no punches and the national survey confirmed our feelings locally. We need to be more in touch with our members. This Ezine was created to do assist us do just that within South Yorkshire and beyond. You can contribute, please do.

“Decision makers and news editors do not like to see the continued surveys showing that the public trust the Police infinitely more than politicians and journalists, so they all want to have their misguided say about what Policing should be!  The best Christmas present for me would be if they stop interfering and let the professionals get on with their jobs!

“Personally I wish you all the best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

“Talking of democracy, I face an election in early January. If I win I will continue to represent the voice of all federated ranks in South Yorkshire to the best of my ability to all parties, whether they are willing to listen or not.  If I lose I will return to the frontline.

“Either way I will still be as proud to be a Police Officer, and serve the public in South Yorkshire as when I joined in 1987.”

Neil Bowles, chairman, South Yorkshire Police Federation