Police covenant announcement is a good thing to move forward, says Fed Chair

SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation to hoping there will be some ‘commitment’ behind a new Government police covenant.

Former Home Secretary Sajid Javid announced the agreement at the recent Police Bravery Awards when he also backed PFEW plans to allow special constables into the Federation.

Details of what will be included in the covenant are yet to be rubber stamped, but the Home Office has promised it will recognise the sacrifices officers make every day and enshrine Government support to the service.

Steve Kent, South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman welcomed the plans but said they must be backed up with actions.

“It cannot be anything other than good news,” he said, “although I’d like to see what the covenant looks like. I’d like to see the commitment.

“We try to look at officer’s welfare across the board, and I await the fine wording and see what it says, but it’s a good thing to move forward.”

Steve also voiced his backing for the plan to welcome Special Constables into the PFEW.

“In terms of Specials, it’s obviously a good thing for them to be protected because they’re going out there and they’re putting themselves in harm’s way just as much as officers,” he said.

“Specials’ use of force, for example. It’s right that they have the protection of the Federation. I would also expect, alongside this, that maybe some of the resources are coming in to professionalise the specials. I know it’s down to each individual force to manage that.”