South Yorkshire police officers up for global award

A GROUP of hard-working South Yorkshire Police officers have been nominated for a global policing award.

Officers from Sheffield’s Central and North West Neighbourhood team have been selected as candidates for the prestigious Herman Goldstein Problem Solving Awards for their work in tackling spice use in Sheffield.

The Goldstein Awards, which are hosted in the USA, recognise outstanding police officers and forces from across the world who engage in effective problem-solving efforts to reduce crime.

South Yorkshire’s PC Libby Bettney and Sgt. Ben Hanson will travel to the USA in November to showcase the team’s work to adjudicators formed of world-class researchers.

Ben, was thrilled by the recognition and said: “It’s a huge honour for the team to be recognised on an international stage. A big part of what we have been doing is around improving how we work with partners, including the local authority drug and alcohol team, this has been vital to our success so far.

“We started this work to try and make the city centre a better, safer place to work and visit and we’ve seen great results, this nomination is the icing on the cake.”

In similar fashion, Inspector John Mallows was also chuffed for the team and suggested that the nomination was a boost for Sheffield and a demonstration of how we neighbourhood policing is operation across the county.

“This is fantastic news; not only recognising the efforts of the whole team, but also the work Libby and Ben have put in to improve on our original application.

“It’s important to say that this work is continuing to have a positive impact on key issues for us in the city centre. Spice use is something that has had an impact on numerous businesses and residents in Sheffield, and at the heart of the positive action we’re taking are my officers trying to improve things for the community they are part of”, he added.

Congratulations to the team for the nomination and good luck for when they go up for the award later this year.