Have Your Say On Pay And Morale

SOUTH Yorkshire Police Officers are being urged to have their say on pay and morale.

The latest PFEW survey on the subject is out now, and it is ‘massively important’ that officers take the time to fill it in, says South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman Steve Kent.

If they don’t, the Federation won’t have the evidence it needs to lobby on their behalf.

Steve said: “I know it can seem that it takes a bit of a while to go through it, and I know everyone’s very busy. But it’s massively important.

“Just take time out to have a look at this survey and to crack on with it, because if we don’t put these surveys in, we don’t have the evidence, and we don’t have the material to go and lobby our chief officers or MPs, it doesn’t get fed back to the national Federation who can feed it back in at Government level.

“It’s one of the very few opportunities officers have to have a voice, which if they all say the same thing together and the depict how it is, it’s a really powerful tool in our arsenal to go and push it forward. To try and change things. To try and make sure that these resources, in terms of dealing with mental health and stress, are there.

“I would get everybody out there, even if it means staying on for five minutes just get the survey done because we could do with those results.”