South Yorkshire well-prepared when it comes to PIP

REPRESENTATIVES in South Yorkshire are well-trained and well-prepared to help police officers who fall into Post-Incident Procedures (PIPs), the Federation has said.

Officers from the force attended a national seminar in Leicestershire in October to discuss best practice and learn about developments in PIP.

The procedures fall into place when a member of the public dies or is seriously injured during or following police contact. It can affect all officers in any role or rank, and is designed to get best evidence and protection for all involved.

Steve Kent said members could rest assured that support is available to any officer in such circumstances. He said: ‘Following any serious incident that involves PIP, the officers have federation representatives who are on-call 24/7 and their welfare is correctly managed.”

Officers are taken to the Federation building and met by representatives and welfare officers who  support them and lead them through the process.

He said: “So when there is a significant incident, then yes it might feel like they’ve been whisked off into a big, white room somewhere, but no they’ve actually been taken somewhere where they can be looked after properly and they’ll be met by a Federation Representative who is highly trained to manage the situation. They are given professional advice straight away and their interests and welfare are managed properly, and that follows a standardised procedure.”

Speaking at the conference, Police Federation of England and Wales Vice-Chair, Ché Donald summed up the importance of PIPs: “Whether you are an officer involved in a serious incident or the family of someone who has lost their life, PIPs can deliver the best possible outcome following a traumatic or life-changing event.”

The meeting heard how good PIP procedure can save officers’ careers and wellbeing. Two Staffordshire PCs told delegates that they were embroiled in an investigation after faulty technology said they were driving at 100mph before a collision. The investigation ensured that they were properly supported and evidence secured that proved that they were clear of any wrongdoing.