Federation: We need to improve menopause understanding

MORE needs to be done to improve understanding and awareness around the impact of menopause on the workforce, South Yorkshire Police Federation’s Chairman has said.

Steve Kent was talking as the Police Federation of England and Wales launched a national survey  for all officers into the menopause.

Steve said: “The senior leadership of any police force does have a duty and a responsibility to look after the welfare of their staff. It’s vital that understanding and awareness of the issues surrounding menopause improves.

“A survey, I think, will be a good way of capturing issues that our female officers are having, but more importantly it’ll also identify levels of knowledge and understanding amongst colleagues, male and female, supervisors and managers, because everybody needs to have an awareness about it.”

The results from the survey will be used to improve working practice and occupational health departments around the country and provide any extra training where required.

South Yorkshire Police already has a menopause support group, and further discussions on the issue will help banish any perceptions that the menopause should be seen as taboo, Steve said.

All officers are invited to contribute to the “Everyone Pause” survey, which was launched on World Menopause Day on 18 October. It is the first survey of its kind in the police service.

PFEW women’s lead, Hayley Aley said: “Across PFEW, women representatives have reported that there is a growing issue of officers and staff across all forces receiving varying levels of support at this difficult time in their lives.

“We are all working for longer and in differing roles and this transition can have a huge effect and impact greatly on capabilities within the workplace. To support organisations in realising the scope and scale of issues around the menopause, we are asking officers, staff and line managers for their support with this survey – it’s not solely about personal experiences – we want to understand what line managers and senior leaders are aware of around this subject. It is anticipated that the findings will help with education, understanding and support for all.”