Looking Forward To Bravery Awards
The Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation has spoken about how much he’s looking forward to their annual Bravery Awards.
The South Yorkshire Police Federation Bravery Awards are taking place in Sheffield on 22 May. Last year’s event celebrated a number of courageous officers. The overall winners, PC Anna Kelsey and PC Nicola Burn, who were first on scene at a double murder, were the nominees for the national Police Bravery Awards.
Federation Chair Steve Kent said: We’re really excited about this year’s event, and we’re going to be celebrating a number of fantastic officers. A lot of the officers don’t know about it yet, but some of them do.
“It’s going to be a great night to celebrate policing, and to get those good work stories out there. But the most important thing is to look after the officers and make sure they have a fantastic time. Last year, due to personal issues, I sadly couldn’t be there, and our Secretary Dave Baines took the reins for me, so I’m looking forward to doing it again this year.”