Some Police Uniform ‘Is Not Fit For Purpose’

Some police uniform – especially women’s – is “not fit for purpose”, the Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation has said, as the first-ever national police uniform and equipment survey is carried out.

Researchers at Lancaster University, in partnership with PFEW and the NPCC, are asking 200,000 police officers and staff across England and Wales about their experiences of wearing their standard issue uniforms and equipment.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said: “This is really important research. Officers give us feedback all the time about their uniform not being fit for purpose. The police jacket I was issued when I first joined the job is really thick and heavy, it’s really good quality. They just don’t have that kind of quality kit anymore.

“What we also find is that some female officers are having to buy their own trousers because the police-issued trousers don’t fit properly and are uncomfortable. There’s clearly an issue there and it hasn’t been addressed until now.

“There really needs to be some national work done on this, because we’ve got a bit of a postcode lottery about what kit you get in terms of your force and its budget.

“We encourage as many of our officers as possible to fill in this survey. I’m really pleased that the researchers at Lancaster University have joined in with the Federation to try and get this out front and centre. We need to present evidence as to the poor state of uniform these days.”