Please Read Remove, Remove, Remove

South Yorkshire Police officers should refresh their knowledge about what to do in case of a chemical or nerve agent attack.

Federation Chair Zuleika Payne is urging her members to read the re-issued PFEW ‘Remove, Remove, Remove’ guidelines in the wake of recent acid attacks and the incident involving former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury.

The attack served as a stark reminder that officers should be prepared for anything and that their jobs carry an inherent risk.

“I hope members will take the time to read the guidelines,” Zuleika said.

“Of course, it’s in an officer’s nature to throw themselves into the situation to help the public, to save life and limb.

“However, it’s important that the right protocol is followed, and the guidelines are just a polite reminder to officers to make sure they do the right thing if they find themselves in one of these situations, to stop and take stock for a moment.”

In the guidelines, responders are being reminded to use caution, keep a safe distance themselves to avoid exposure and instruct those affected to remove themselves from the immediate area, remove outer clothing and remove any substances from their skin if directly affected.


To see the full guidelines visit;