Let’s maintain focus on our ‘Protect the Protectors’ bill

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Zuleika Payne is determined to remain positive about the chances of the Assaults on Emergency Services (Offences) Bill providing proper protection for police officers.

That’s despite claims that the bill has been ‘watered down’, especially around the likely sentences courts will be able to hand out to offenders.

The bill, originally proposed by MP Chris Bryant, passed its report stage in Parliament earlier in May.

It’s now due to be read at The House of Lords.

Some police figures have said that it won’t go far enough to protect emergency workers.

As is stands, officers will get added protection against sexual assaults under the terms of the bill, but the longest-term offenders can receive for common assault will remain at just 12 months.

Zuleika says that changes and delays to the bill have been frustrating, but she still hopes to see a positive outcome.

“It’s not a fait accompli yet,” she said.

“And the fact that people are exploring the finer detail is frustrating, however we mustn’t get disheartened, hopefully we can take some encouragement from this as we seek a positive outcome.

“By assaulting an emergency services worker you are attacking the uniform and someone who has elected to carry out that role for the benefit of society.

“When you look at the sentences handed out for assault in general terms then of course assaulting a member of the emergency services shouldn’t receive a lesser sentence – as public servants we should be offered better protection.

“I just hope that those in positions of power do what is right and honourable for police officers and all emergency service workers.”

Zuleika welcomed other aspects of the bill.

“It’s obviously good news about the protection being afforded around sexual assaults,” she said.

“It’s indicative of the times we live in – police officers are increasingly vulnerable, not only because of the type of incidents they are attending but because of dwindling numbers too.

“Anything we can do to protect police officers has to be a step in the right direction.