Give all officers Taser says Federation Chair

SOUTH Yorkshire Police officers should be given the right tools for the job says their Federation Chair – and that’s why they need Taser.

The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) says that all officers should carry the stun weapons amid the growing violence on UK streets.

The Council’s armed police leading lead Simon Chesterman said that he would personally ‘not want to be on patrol without one’ and believes that all officers reaching the required training standards should carry on.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Zuleika Payne says Taser should be a standard tool of the trade for her members.

“We have to afford officers the protection they need to do their jobs and to help protect the communities they serve,” she said.

“So, providing an officer has been through the training and meets the standards required, what’s the problem?

“People are keen to see British Police remain un-armed but the risks out there have changed, society has changed and the nature of the incidents we attend have changed.

“This is about making sure we equip and train officers properly to help keep them safe and enable them to protect their communities,” she added.