South Yorkshire Officers At National Bravery Awards

Two courageous South Yorkshire Police officers who are up for a National Police Bravery Award will attend a ceremony in London on 13 July.

PC Toby Brown and PC Harriet Murray caught a violent rapist moments after he had attacked a woman in her own home in February last year. While detaining him, the offender punched PC Brown twice in the face and he had to receive hospital treatment. Thankfully the officers managed to arrest the man, who was later jailed for 21 years.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said that the pair were worthy winners of the Federation’s Force bravery award and that they were all looking forward to the national event.

He said: “The National Bravery Awards – along with our local awards – is a great event, because it’s one of the few occasions where policing is rightly celebrated universally. It’s a positive event all round.

“I’m really looking forward to taking our local bravery award winners down to London. They’ll be looked after, we’ll make sure that they have a fantastic time, and they deserve all the spotlight and attention that they get when they’re down there. It’s something to really look forward to.”