Research Into Body Armour And Breast Health

South Yorkshire Police Federation has welcomed new research that looks at how body armour affects breast health for female officers.

The National Police Wellbeing Service, Oscar Kilo, is working with researchers from the University of Portsmouth and the University of Lincoln to develop a training programme to tackle issues faced by women in policing.

The study will cover breast pain, support and bra issues, as well as evaluating the impact of PPE on breast health.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said: “I warmly welcome this work, because there has to be awareness of the problem, and there needs to be that health and safety check. If it means that our female colleagues are surveyed, if people go out and speak to them, it may be that there may be a change in equipment to help them.

“I don’t want anyone not to wear body armour, because it’s so important. The risk of not wearing it is huge. But we also have to be cognisant that it could be uncomfortable and it can cause problems. So it’s a welcome debate to be had.”