South Yorkshire Police told it ‘requires improvement’

SOUTH Yorkshire Police has been told it requires improvement in the latest round of PEEL inspections by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary.

The third annual report, which examines force efficiency, concluded that the force requires improvement in all three areas of the assessment; in how it understands the demands for its services; in how it uses its resources; and in its planning for the future.

HM Inspector of Constabulary Mike Cunningham said: “Following our inspection, South Yorkshire Police has been judged as ‘requires improvement’ in how efficiently it keeps people safe and reduces crime. The force has made good progress in understanding it’s demand to inform its new operating model. Although it was too early to fully assess the benefits of the operating model at the time of the inspection its implementation is progressing well and at pace.

“The force still has some way to go in understanding the skills and capability of its workforce.”

Speaking after the report was published this month, Chief Constable Stephen Watson said: “We are not yet where we want to be, but it is pleasing that this report recognises the strong progress that is being achieved.

“We are confident we have made great strides from where we were just one year ago. We now have a very clear plan, which sets out our priorities and what we want to achieve for our communities, the recent reintroduction of neighbourhood policing; a structure and model developed using a better understanding of our demand; and importantly we have listened to our officers, staff and communities, to build something, which works for everyone. These things taken together will provide our excellent people with the platform required for further progress.”

The efficiency report will be followed by reports on legitimacy in December 2017 and effectiveness in early 2018, which together make up the three pillars of the annual PEEL assessment.