Protect The Protectors Bill closer to becoming law

THE Protect The Protectors Bill has passed the committee stage in the Houses of Parliament, meaning it is one step closer to becoming law.

The Bill aims to protect emergency service workers by increasing the sentences of those convicted of assaulting them by making it an aggravated offence.

The Bill could become law as early as Spring 2018, which South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Zuleika Payne described as “encouraging”.

She said: “I was fortunate enough to actually be in Westminster with a South Yorkshire officer, just prior to this second reading [of the Bill in Parliament], what I found very reassuring and encouraging was the footfall that we saw that afternoon in Westminster. Over 60 MPs, I’m led to believe, were actually in attendance.

“All in all, really positive and it just goes to show that with tenacity, dedication and the passion for driving a piece of work like this, what can actually be achieved.

“It’s an interesting piece of legislation in as far as, what was once considered totally unacceptable has become a norm, almost par for the course. So what we’re looking at is introducing a piece of legislation to drive a message that it is not acceptable to assault a police officer or any emergency service worker.”

“The necessity for this legislation is apparent because sadly assaults on emergency workers occur all too often. This is why we’ve had to work in this way and form a piece of legislation to protect those individuals, against something that was once completely taboo but is now sadly, commonplace.”