Service demonstrates the solidarity of the police family

NATIONAL Police Memorial Day demonstrates the solidarity and unity in the police family, the Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation has said.

Zuleika Payne and Dave Baines (pictured) joined officers and family members from throughout the UK at the 14th annual service in Cardiff.

There, the 4,500 officers who have died on duty were remembered, and the names of those who have died in the past year were read out.

Speaking before the ceremony, Zuleika said: “It is days like today that demonstrate the solidarity and the unity in the police family, and we remember our fallen colleagues who sadly lost their lives whilst serving for a cause that they clearly believed in.

“So it’s very important that we not only remember them, but we’re her to support the families of those fallen officers as well.

“It’s certainly a very poignant event, and it shows, as I say, the unity within the organisation at a time that we feel under stress and we’re broken, that we do come together for a common cause.

“Actions always speak louder than words and today illustrates that. It’s the doing that’s important. We can say that we will never forget people, but it’s important that we show that our fallen colleagues, although gone, are not forgotten.”

Remembered at the service were DC Joe Mabuto and PC Gareth Browning, of Thames Valley Police; PC Paul Briggs, of Merseyside Police; PC Austin Jackson, of Leicestershire Constabulary; Insp Mark Estall, of Essex Police; and PC Keith Palmer, of the Met.