Pay rise is kick in the teeth to Police Officers

THE Government has given police officers just a 1% pay rise in 2017.

There will be a 1% one-off bonus on top of this.

The Police Pay Review Body had recommended a consolidated 2% pay rise for all officers in 2017. 

“The pay rise announcement comes as another kick in the teeth to Police Officers,” said Zulkeika Payne, Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation.

“Following a delayed announcement, we have learned that we are to be awarded a 2% pay increase. However, we must look at the detail of this. Only 1% is pensionable, with the other 1% a non-pensionable award.

“For those joining the organisation this means an extra £193 per year, or for those at the top end of a PC’s salary, an extra £372. But, let’s not forget the deductions for tax and N.I.

“Does this rise really show recognition and appreciation for the immensely demanding and dangerous work, our officers carry out day to day?”