HMIC report says South Yorkshire ‘requires improvement’

HM Inspectorate of Constabulary has criticised South Yorkshire Police, saying it must make ‘substantial’ improvements to keep people safe.

The HMIC into performance during 2016 judged the force as ‘requires improvement’ in three areas – crime prevention, investigation and protecting the vulnerable.

The inspection said the force was ‘good’ at tackling serious and organised crime.

Inspector of constabulary Mike Cunningham said: “I am disappointed that since our inspection in 2015, South Yorkshire Police still has substantial improvements to make to how effectively it keeps people safe and reduces crime.”

South Yorkshire’s deputy chief constable Dawn Copley said the force understood where it needed to improve.

She added: “It is of great concern to us that HMIC were critical of our safeguarding of vulnerable people; specifically the victims of domestic abuse.

“We are working urgently to address this and have introduced a process to improve the accountability of our safeguarding arrangements to victims. We are also working with victims and their feedback is invaluable in helping to improve the service we provide.

“We have also conducted an extensive campaign both within the force and in local communities, to ensure everyone recognises the signs of domestic abuse, proactively seeks out evidence of abuse and then reports this to us.

“This has led to praise from victims who have recognised a change in our approach. We are concerned that the report may affect the confidence of victims to contact us and we want to take this opportunity to encourage people to keep coming forward and reporting what is happening to them so that we can provide help and support.

“The report also highlighted that our current approach to neighbourhood policing has weakened our ability to be effective in preventing and tackling crime. We are acutely aware of this, and are working hard to gather together best practice and learning to ensure we introduce a renewed, targeted and reinvigorated approach to neighbourhood policing.

“Public consultation on a number of models is due to begin in the coming weeks. Whilst we accept this can’t come quickly enough, it’s important that we take time to listen to the public and make changes that are better able to meet the needs of local people.

“We are pleased that HMIC have recognised some good work by the force. They have reported that since last year we have made good progress in a number of areas.

“For example, they have praised the force for its effective efforts to use a range of tactics and interventions to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour, and cited the positive example of our close working with the council and community groups in Barnsley to engage and support troubled families before they reach crisis point.

“The report also rated us as ‘good’ for tackling serious and organised crime, recognising that we have effective measures in place to deter people from becoming involved in organised crime, and that local officers proactively disrupt the activities of criminals through the use of a range of tactics.”
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