Bill on police assaults is heard in Parliament

A BILL which would give police officers greater protections from assaults and being spat at has passed the first stage in the House of Commons.

The proposed Crime (Assaults on Emergency Service Staff) Bill would class offences including malicious wounding, GBH, ABH and common assault as aggravated when committed against emergency services workers.

Holly Lynch MP brought a Ten Minute Rule Bill on Tuesday 7 February. The Bill will now receive a second reading on 24 March.

In February, MPs from across the political spectrum heard in Parliament about the Police Federation campaign to #ProtectTheProtectors.

Some 40-plus MPs heard from three officers who had been assaulted on duty about their experiences of being attacked and the impact it had on them – and also importantly their families and home life.

They were also told how many officers were being assaulted by being spat at and how there is a greater need to roll out Spit Guards.

John Apter, Chairman of Hampshire Police Federation, said: “Nothing is more important than the safety of those officers we represent. Police officers perform a difficult and dangerous job and deserve the full support of our MP’s.”

MPs had a chance to handle and even try on a spit guard and were urged to encourage their local chief constables to roll out spit guards. They also heard from Che Donald, PFEW’s lead on the issue, how the piece of kit protects officers and also prevents the need for additional force to restrain individuals.

Nick Smart, Chairman of West Yorkshire Police Federation, led the PFEW presentation and representatives from the Met, Surrey and Sussex police federations were also present.

Mr Smart said: “When you look at the current assault levels in West Yorkshire Police, 26% are down to spitting – the data doesnt lie, there is a need for spitguards. Currently there is no deterrent.

“We are working with the sentencing council to address the deterrent but in the interim period it’s a health and safety issue. Give officers the equipment they need to do the job. Give officers spitguards so they have a defence when people start spitting at them.”