Alarming number of assaults on officers, says SYP Federation

PROTECTING police officers from an “alarming” number of assaults must be a priority for forces and the Government, the Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation has said.

As a number of forces around the country continue to roll out spit guards to their officers, Zuleika Payne highlighted estimations from the Police Federation of England and Wales that 2.4 million officers are assaulted each year.

She said: “When you consider that the general public have a legitimate expectation of the police to protect them, it is only right and proper that we equip our police officers to protect the general public.

“With the research that I am conducting in South Yorkshire, which has been underway for some weeks, there is an alarming number of officers who are experiencing incidents of this nature, it’s happening all too often.

“It’s important, because it’s a relatively common occurrence, that we have the correct measures in place.”

With reference to spit guards, Zuleika said their use is currently “in discussion” with the force.

“What we have to be alive to is that fact that we are now policing in very different times, and what is of paramount importance is that we actually protect the people who are trying to protect the general public,” she added.

“We understand that there are some individuals who believe a spit guard infringes on people’s civil liberties and human rights but what these individuals need to recognise is the dangers officers face when they are spat at, and more often than not, it’s not just a case of being spat at, that spit can contain blood and what follows from that is a very agonising six month period while the officer gets the medical all clear, because there are issues around contraction of hepatitis and HIV. This is an incredibly worrying time for a police officer.” People need to consider this agony which officers suffer, when they voice their disapproval of spit guards.

Zuleika called on forces and the Crown Prosecution Service to support officers when they are on the receiving end of an assault.

“Assaults on police officers are sadly all too common,” she added.

“And unfortunately when officers are assaulted, there are examples of poor support from the Crown Prosecution Service and also from within the police organisation.

“Police officers run towards danger where other individuals run away from it. So, what’s absolutely of paramount importance is that we give officers the protection and the equipment they need to effectively execute their duty.”