High praise for the man who helped protect PC Lisa Bates

THE Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation has added her praise for a man who helped to save the life of PC Lisa Bates after she was attacked on duty.

Simon Ellis received an award from the force for his efforts in helping to save the officer after she was attacked with an axe.

Zuleika Payne, Federation Chair, said: “A special thanks to Mr Ellis for intervening on the night of this horrific incident.”

She added: “Members of the public are not trained to deal with the incidents police officers face. As a police officer you are aware of the potential dangers you may faceand much of the timw we can anticipate what may occur. In this scenario, Mr Ellis had to think on his feet.  

“Thankfully Mr Ellis pulled Lisa into his property to try and remove her from the situation that she found herself in, and we thank Mr Ellis collectively for the actions that he took.”

Mr Ellis was presented an award by Ch Supt David Hartley (pictured), area commander for Sheffield. He tweeted: “One of the highlights of my career… Award to Simon Ellis, the man who saved PC Lisa Bates life following axe attack… A TRUE HERO.”

A spokesman for South Yorkshire Police said: “Police officers are trained to run towards danger when others are running away. Simon Ellis confronted danger on that night and we will always be grateful to him for his efforts.”