Time for zero tolerance on police assaults

THERE should be a zero tolerance stance on people who assault police officers, the Chair Elect of South Yorkshire Police Federation has said.

Speaking after it emerged that only one in seven criminals convicted of assaulting a police officer receives a prison sentence, Zuleika Payne said that sends the wrong message to offenders.

She said: “It’s a disappointingly low statistic when you consider police officers put themselves in harm’s way to protect and serve others and sustain those injuries as a result of doing so, it sends out completely the wrong message.

We’ve got to protect police officers. Without them we don’t have a police organisation, but it doesn’t and it won’t, I’m sure, come as a shock to any police officers who day in day out see these types of poor results.

We should have a zero tolerance stance. It’s totally unacceptable.”

Admitting that she has occasioned injury while on duty, Zuleika said a first step towards protecting officers would be to increase police numbers so officers are not single crewed.

She said: “My number one wish would be an increase in the staffing figures and improving resourcing. Policing has changed massively and we need to be fit for purpose if we are to fight crime effectively.

The types of the incidents we are dealing with and the nature of policing has changed significantly in the last 25 years.

That’s why the image of the old beat bobby with a cape, whistle and a wooden truncheon has faded from our streets, because we’re policing very different times.

Resourcing is absolutely key, but also we need the proper training and equipment to carry out the role.

It is vital that we support and protect our most valuable asset, our officers.”