Officers reminded of the Northern Police Healthcare Scheme

SOUTH Yorkshire Police officers have been reminded of the excellence and affordability of the Northern Police Healthcare Scheme.

“In this day and age of austerity and the lack of job security for officers that fall ill, or even are injured on duty, it is vitally important to look after your health,” said Federation Chairman Neil Bowles.

“There are many ways we can do this, one way for the paltry donation of £1.80 a week you can join the Police Treatment Centres and get the best intensive treatment and therapies to get you back to work.

“The National Health Service is the envy of the world, but it is struggling to cope with ‘non urgent’ conditions.

“These conditions are extremely urgent to our members as they will lose pay or their job if they cannot recover quickly enough. The Northern Police Healthcare Scheme is another option. It is a not for profit scheme, run by a Trust.

“Officers and staff can join right up to their retirement and get private treatment for most conditions at a time and place that suits them and their family. The costs are very reasonable compared to anything else on the market.

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