What can the Police Service expect from new Home Secretary?

THE police service will soon be getting to know the new Home Secretary Amber Rudd and new Police Minister Brandon Lewis.

Ms Rudd (pictured) was put in charge of the Home Office by new Prime Minister Theresa May last week after just over a year as Energy and Climate Change Secretary.

She has been MP for Hastings and Rye since 2010, argued passionately for the UK to remain in the European Union and was a supporter of Mrs May’s Conservative leadership bid.

The new Home Secretary attended last week’s Police Bravery Awards, where she told the Police Federation of England and Wales: “I certainly am looking forward to the challenges ahead. It’s a huge brief, there’s a lot to be done. It’s very important work and I’m looking forward to getting stuck in.”

She also indicated that she will follow Mrs May’s lead in regularly attending the annual Federation conference. “I certainly hope you will see me at the conference. I will certainly try to make it,” she said.

The Federation has also welcomed Police Minister Lewis, MP for Great Yarmouth.

PFEW Chairman Steve White said: “The Federation is looking forward to working together with Mr Lewis on all aspects of policing. There is a great deal to talk about, including police reform and, particularly, how our 122,000 members are feeling in times of increased demand and depleting resources.”

He added that he looked forward to discussing with Mr Lewis key issues such as police officers having all the “tools, confidence and resources” needed to their job and keep the public safe.

Mr Lewis takes over from Mike Penning, who is now the Minister of State for the Armed Forces.