South Yorkshire has 95% pass rate in Police Fitness Test

SOUTH Yorkshire Police officers have a 95% pass rate in the Job Related Fitness test it has been revealed.

Between September 2014 and August 2015, 1,902 police officers took the test with 1,806 passing. The national pass rate was 98%. The fitness test is a 15 metre shuttle run which is based on scientific research, to match the aerobic demands of officer safety training.

The annual test, which became compulsory in 2014, requires officers to run 525 metres in three minutes 40 seconds or less.

A total of 93,956 tests were taken across England and Wales between September 2014 and August last year, resulting in a 98 per cent pass rate.

For male officers there were 67,376 tests taken, with a pass rate of 99 per cent, while female officers underwent 23,154 tests and achieved a 95 per cent pass rate.

National lead for fitness testing, Assistant Chief Constable Jo Shiner, said: “These results show that the vast majority of officers tested were fit and meet the standard required of them to protect the public.

“We know from previous years that slightly fewer female officers are passing and the College of Policing guidance on fitness tests has been carefully designed to support officers who are in this position, including advice on positive action measures such as specialised training and mentoring programmes.

“The public want their officers to be fit and able to protect them in the face of danger and these results show they are able to do just that.”

If an officer is not able to pass the fitness test at the first attempt, the College advises forces to provide support and allow a series of at least two retakes.

The fitness test increases in difficulty depending on the role. Officers who want to take up roles in the area of diving, firearms, air support, among others, are required to meet a higher standard.