Charade of police officer pay rise process must end

THE Chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation has slammed the 1% pay rise for police officers and accused the whole pay process of being a “charade”

The Government accepted the recommendation made by the Police Remuneration Review Body of a 1% pay rise for all officers in England and Wales from 1 September 2016, despite calls for a 2.8% increase from staff associations.

And – funnily enough – the Government has asked the PRRB to stick to the public sector 1% pay rise plan.

“If ministers interfere, why bother with the charade?” said Federation Chairman Neil Bowles.” The one thing that can be done is for the Government to allow the independent Pay Review Body to do its work independently.”

Mr Bowles was also asked whether it is time for another ballot on industrial rights for police officers.

“In the last ballot we had an overwhelming majority of members vote for the Police Federation of England and Wales to pursue the issue and the feeling will have not changed now,” said Mr Bowles.

“We need to implement the restructure of PFEW as soon as possible, so that the national leaders take heed of members’ wishes.”

Back in 2013, more than 45,000 police officers in England and Wales voted for the right to take industrial action – but the number was not enough for the Police Federation to push for a change in the law.

Rank and file officers were asked whether or not they wished the Fed to seek the right to take industrial action, including going on strike.

Out of 133,108 officers eligible to vote, 56,333 took part in the ballot, with 45,651 voting in favour, 10,681 voting against.

Despite the 81 per cent majority vote, the Police Federation had stated that it would only seek industrial rights if half of its total membership voted in favour.