“Most officers didn’t join thinking they would be midwives”

A SHEFFIELD woman gave birth to her baby with the help of a passing police officer and special constable – after going into labour in her car.

Rachel Suter was about to give birth in her car when her ‘frantic’ partner spotted PC Mark Priest and SC Curtis Briggs on patrol and flagged them down to help.

Rachel told the officers from the B Group Local Policing Team at Ecclesfield: “Thank you so much for your help. We are both now doing well in hospital.

“Thank you again. Bet you weren’t expecting this on your shift.”

Neil Bowles, Chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation, said: ““This is just more evidence to show Theresa May and the Home Office just don’t get policing. We are not just crime fighters and the public don’t want that.

“Two officers were approached out of the blue by a frantic male and they were confronted with a woman in labour in her car.

“I bet most officers didn’t join thinking they would be acting midwives, but it just goes to show that police officers are natural leaders in any situation, and the baby was delivered safely and both baby and mum transferred to hospital with the minimum of fuss.”

A South Yorkshire Police spokesman said: “Whilst out and about on patrol PC Mark Priest and SC Curtis Briggs were flagged down by a frantic male.

“Little did they know that his wife was in the car giving birth to their baby.

“Not one to be deterred by the unusual situation, Special Constable Briggs sprung into action, helping mum and baby and PC Priest ensured an ambulance, or two, were called to assist.”

The force added on its Facebook page: “So, to mum, dad and baby, a huge congratulations from the whole of the B Group Local Policing Team at Ecclesfield.”