Teenager jailed for manslaughter of PC Dave Phillips

TEENAGER Clayton Williams has been sentenced to 20 years in jail for the manslaughter of Merseyside PC David Phillips.

PC Phillips, 34, was deploying a stop-stick tyre puncturing device when he was struck and killed in the early hours of 5 October 2015.

The teenager was out on licence from jail after crashing into a lamppost in another police pursuit when the incident happened.

Williams was cleared of murder, but found guilty of manslaughter by a majority 10-2 verdict. He was ordered to serve 20 years, initially in a young offenders’ institution.

Before sentencing, PC Phillips’ widow Jen read out a statement to the court.

She said: “I have written this basically, for what you have done to me and my children.”

She added: “Tears flow as I cry myself to sleep every night. It’s soul destroying.

“I have to be strong for the sake of my children. How do I do that, when the children cry for their daddy?

“Who gave Williams the right to play god?

“I felt numb, shock and overwhelming anger. Dave did not stand a chance, he was just trying to do his job, stop Williams in a stolen vehicle before he hurt members of the public.”

Sentencing Williams, Judge Davis said: “The sentence I shall impose is not for a moment meant to indicate the value that this court or I place on the life of PC Phillips.

“But I have to sentence you for an offence that does not involve on your part a deliberate attempt to cause serious harm.

“The first thing the jury was sure of, you deliberately drove that stolen car at PC Phillips, and they had to be satisfied that you recognised that what you did subjected him to risk of some injury.

“I am urged to take into account your remorse. I am prepared to accept that now, particularly after what you have just heard, you may have some understanding of the devastation you just heard.

“But at the time that poor policeman was fighting for his life you were trying to cover up what you had done. That is not remorse.”

Williams was also sentenced to eight years for aggravated vehicle taking, and three for burglary, which will run concurrently with the manslaughter sentence. He will also never be allowed to drive again.