Voters head to the polls in PCC election

ON Thursday 5 May voters in South Yorkshire will vote to decide who will be their next local police and crime commissioner.

The Labour Party’s Alan Billings, who took over from Shaun Wright as PCC in 2014, is hoping to continue in the role.

A retired Anglican priest, Mr Billings was elected with just over half of first preference votes in a by-election with a 14.8% turnout.

He has previously spoken about the need for South Yorkshire Police to make “significant changes” to the way it works to restore public confidence, and has also spoken out about government cuts.

Protecting vulnerable people, tackling crime and anti-social behaviour and enabling fair treatment are among his strategic priorities.

He will be running against the Conservative Party’s Ian Walker and the English Democrats’ David Allen.

Mr Walker ran against Mr Billings in the 2014 by-election. At the time, he said: “Police and crime commissioners are helping to tackle crime up and down the country, making Britain a safer place to live, work and raise a family and, if elected, I will make sure the people of South Yorkshire also feel those benefits.”

Ukip’s Jack Clarkson took nearly a third of the vote in 2014. However, this time the party has put forward a different candidate, Gavin Felton, who has served 24 years in the British Army and wants to make South Yorkshire the “safest place in England”.