Christmas message from Chairman Neil Bowles

THE public still hold the police service in high regard, the Chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation said looking back on 2015.

In a Christmas and New Year message to members, Neil Bowles wished all officers a q**** Christmas and a chance to “enjoy the time you do get with family and friends and to recharge your batteries”.

See the full message here/below.

“Well that’s 2015 nearly done and there has been no let up on workloads, cuts, pressures, uncertainty and bad press for us here in South Yorkshire and nationally.

“Why is it that the media and politicians are too ready to jump on the bandwagon to criticise the police, but are very slow to acknowledge that the actual public still hold the service in high regard?

“Perhaps its jealousy, that year on year the Police achieve satisfaction and confidence ratings that politicians and the media can only dream about!

“The Hillsborough Inquest has continued, many serving and retired Officers have been to Warrington and given evidence. There will hopefully be a verdict by March next year. The IPCC CSE enquiry is over a year old, at least they have now started interviewing witnesses! This week Orgreave has surfaced again – is there anyone still serving that was there?

“Meanwhile serious crime and critical incidents are being dealt with day in day out by our members, keeping the public of South Yorkshire as safe as we can. Next year we can look forward to more of the same.

“The one tiny flicker of a light at the end of a tunnel in a catacomb, is that the Chancellor wants to protect the Police!

“I do know the Police and Crime Commissioner, Dr Alan Billings and the Chief Constable David Crompton both feel relieved; savings will still have to be made but probably not as drastic as had been foreseen.

“Many, if not all Officers, will be working over the festive period, look after each other, keep safe.

“Enjoy the time you do get with family and friends; recharge your batteries and pray that the future is bright!

“We wish all our members a safe, q**** (sshhh) time.

“Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.”