Success for South Yorkshire’s sergeants’ Part I candidates

SOUTH Yorkshire Police entered 109 candidates into this year’s Sergeants’ OSPRE Part I exam – with 36 (33%) coming away with a pass.

Nationally, 42% of candidates who entered the exam passed. The overall number of candidates passing the exam rose to 1,842 this year, up from 1,730 (38%) the year before.

The exam, on 10 March, tested candidates on their knowledge and application of relevant law, evidence and procedure. The College of Policing noted what it called a “significant difference” in the success rates of men and women nationally – with 46% of female candidates passing (492), compared with 39% of male candidates (1,333).

The average age for successful candidates was 36, with the College of Policing noting that the chances of passing the exam decreases as candidates’ age categories increase.

This year’s results also showed that longer serving officers were less likely to pass than those who had been in the service for five years or fewer.

Newer officers had a 44.8% pass rate, compared with 34% for those who had been in the job for more than 21 years. Officers who work in CID were most likely to pass this year’s exams – detectives had a pass rate of 51.8%.

A new process for officer promotions across England and Wales came into place last month.

Officers who want to be promoted from constable to sergeant, or sergeant to inspector, will now undergo the National Police Promotion Framework (NPPF). The NPPF is a four-step promotion process that is only attained once a candidate has successfully completed all four steps.

Completion of step four also leads to a professional qualification in police management.

Louise Meade, Head of Selection and Assessment at the College of Policing, said: “Congratulations to all of the successful candidates who are now eligible to apply for Step Three of the National Police Promotion Framework process. “The College of Policing is here to support officers through their continuous professional development and aims to give them the skills and confidence to perform their job.”