Queen honours police officers in birthday list

PROMINENT police officers have a date with the Queen coming up after receiving awards in Her Majesty’s Birthday Honours list.

In total 10 UK Chief Officers, four officers from the Superintending ranks, and seven sergeants and members of the inspecting ranks received Queen’s Police Medals.

One Detective Constable and one Special Constable received one too.

Irene Curtis (pictured), President of the Police Superintendents’ Association of England and Wales, was awarded an OBE.

Lynne Owens, Chief Constable of Surrey Police, received a CBE.

And Steve Williams, former Chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, was awarded a QPM.

Ch Supt Curtis said: “I am incredibly proud to have served as a police officer for almost 30 years. When I was sworn in as a PC all those years ago I never imagined this is where my career would take me or that I would be honoured by the Queen.

“Policing is a job like no other. It can ask a lot of you, but can give tremendous personal reward in return. In particular, it has been a genuine privilege to have been able to represent colleagues at a national level.

“I’m grateful to those who nominated and selected me because there are many others in the service who are just as worthy of an award such as this.”

CC Owens said: “I confess to being completely gobsmacked. Of course I am honoured to receive such recognition but it more widely reflects the many absolutely outstanding officers and staff I have been privileged to work alongside during my police service.”

National Police Chiefs’ Council Chair Sara Thornton said: “I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations to those members of the police service included in the Queen’s birthday honours.”