Inspectors exam failure a complete ‘farce’

THE collapse of the inspectors’ exam has been labelled a ‘farce’ and a ‘disgrace’ by South Yorkshire Police Federation.

The College of Policing was forced to suspend the recent tests because of IT problems.

Some students managed to complete the exams; others got halfway through while some couldn’t even start the online programme.

At the time of publication, the exams for those who couldn’t complete them were due to be rescheduled for 30th October to 2nd November.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman Steve Kent said the sorry affair had been a very poor advertisement for The College of Policing.

“It’s an absolute farce, a disgrace,” he said.

“It’s the inconsistency of it, the whole process of it has been a farce.

“The way [the College] has acted to try and deal with it recently has been as good as it possibly could have been in terms of honouring people’s results who have done it and giving people other opportunities to do it.

“But the whole thing wasn’t good; it’s not a good advert for the College, and I feel sorry for those officers who have worked so hard and then been messed around like this.”

Extra study leave has also not been possible for South Yorkshire officers due to the increased demand everyone is under right now.

And Steve still cannot understand why the system wasn’t thoroughly tested before the exams went live.

“How could they have not tested it? How could they have not tested it for leaks and problems? I just can’t get my head around it,” he said.

“South Yorkshire Police Federation members have been venting, but they understand it’s a national issue.

“I suppose if this means that they’re going to get the Sergeant’s exam right then, that’s a small, silver lining.”