PCs push for promotion after passing Sgt’s assessment

MORE than 80 per cent of the South Yorkshire Police officers who took the latest Sergeants’ OSPRE Part II assessment have been successful.

Out of the 21 South Yorkshire constables who sat the assessment in October, 80.8 per cent passed and can now apply for a role as a sergeant.

The South Yorkshire pass rate was lower than the national pass rate of 87 per cent.

Out of the 1,276 candidates who sat the assessment in England and Wales, 1,111 candidates passed.

Officers had to undergo interactive exercises with trained role-play actors to show how they would deal with a number of a sergeant-level scenarios.

“While this interaction is taking place, a trained assessor observes, records and evaluates the candidate’s performance against a prescribed behavioural checklist,” says the College of Policing.

“Each candidate interacts with five different role actors and is observed by five different assessors throughout the assessment.”

Of the successful candidates, 26 officers were awarded an exceptional grade for scoring 63 per cent or more.

Overall, female candidates had a greater success rate of 92 per cent compared with male candidates’ success rate of 86 per cent, which was consistent with last year’s results.

Interestingly, the pass rate for 43 candidates who held postgraduate qualifications was 84.3 per cent, compared with the 100 per cent pass rate for the 12 officers with no formal qualifications.

Charles Eyre, principal psychologist at the College of Policing, congratulated all the successful officers and noted that the results mark the end of the Ospre Part II assessment for sergeants and inspectors.

“This is the first significant change to the promotion process for many years and I am confident that those taking part will continue to achieve success,” he said.

Ospre Part II is being replaced with the National Police Promotion Framework, under which officers will sit the OSPRE I exam on law before the best candidates are chosen through a local selection process.

Successful officers will be selected for temporary promotion and undergo a 12-month work-based assessment programme before any final promotion.