Praise for brave officers who apprehended Sheffield burglar

TWO South Yorkshire Police officers have been commended for their bravery and commitment, after an offender they were trying to apprehend assaulted them and knocked one of them unconscious.

The two Sheffield-based officers – who have chosen not to be named – were called after Lee Fletcher (pictured) stole a silver van from Abbeydale Road South in November. Neil Bowles, chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation, said: “Their bravery and commitment should be applauded.”

Following a police pursuit, Fletcher rammed a bus and police vehicles in Stradbroke Road, in an attempt to escape.

The two PCs were in one of the cars and tried to arrest Fletcher, at which point he became extremely violent and aggressive. He kicked one PC in the head, knocking him unconscious, as well as assaulting and strangling the other officer.

Both officers had to endure sustained and violent resistance before finally overcoming Fletcher using PAVA spray and a Taser, the force said.

Fletcher was sentenced to five years behind bars after admitting a string of offences at Sheffield Crown Court on 3 December.

Fletcher, 39, of Stradbroke Road, Sheffield, pleaded guilty to two counts of burglary, aggravated taking without owner’s consent and two counts of assaulting a police officer.

Mr Bowles added:  “These officers came on duty and arrested someone for serious crime and were injured. He needed to be Tasered twice and still he fought back. However, they stood their ground and they overcame him with others’ help.

“The fact that they were both hospitalised for doing their job is atrocious and he should have had a longer sentence for assaulting the officers than possibly for the other crimes. Officers never know what they are going to go to each day that they go to work. Their families say goodbye to them and are just hoping that they come back to them in one piece.”

Ch Supt David Hartley, District Commander for Sheffield, has praised the two officers, who required hospital treatment for their injuries.

He said: “Both officers have demonstrated exceptional bravery and it is testament to their courage that, even when faced with a violent and unpredictable man, they continued with their efforts to arrest him, sustaining serious injuries as they did so.

“I know I speak for the rest of the force when I say I’m relieved their injuries were not more severe, but this incident shows the very real risks and danger our frontline officers face on a daily basis to keep the public safe.

“Neither officer came to work that day expecting a police chase, or to be violently attacked for simply doing their job.”

After Fletcher was sentenced, Chief Supt Hartley added: “This is a fantastic result for Sheffield. Through the bravery of frontline officers, a violent and dangerous man is now behind bars.

“This shows our continued commitment to tackle burglary and do whatever is needed to keep the public safe.”