Police Deserve Praise For Doing Fantastic Job

POLICE officers are doing a fantastic job during the Covid-19 pandemic as they put themselves at risk on the frontline to keep the general public safe.

South Yorkshire Police Federation said bobbies should be praised for their selfless work during unprecedented times for the country.

Chairman Steve Kent said: “We’re doing a fantastic job. The thing that I would like to say is how wonderful our NHS colleagues and our care colleagues are doing an absolutely unbelievable job and they’re rightly recognised for it by us as well as anybody else.

“But sometimes I think policing is forgotten about during this. We’re at the frontline to it. Cops are doing a fantastic job.

“They know they’re at risk themselves of getting it, and I’d just like to say that we all appreciate what they’re all doing.

“What Nick Knowles said was absolutely bang on.”

TV Presenter Nick Knowles – a long-time supporter of the police – praised officers during an appearance on ITV’s Good Morning Britain on 22 April.

He told the programme: “There’s a real imbalance how this is reported, I think. “I don’t know why we’ve got a thing in this country for hammering the police. They’re protecting us but they’re also protecting the NHS.”