PCs given the chance to fast track to inspector

SERVING PCs will have a chance to jump to the inspector rank in just two years under a new fast track to inspector programme launching next month.

On October 20 the College of Policing is “encouraging constables with the ability to reach inspector rank to consider applying for a new development programme.”

Successful candidates could become inspectors by 2017.

The College states: “The challenging development programme will equip successful applicants with the skills, qualities and strategic understanding” they need to become an inspector by 2017.

Successful applicants will attend a 1 ½ day assessment centre between 23 Feb to 8 March and then start the Fast Track programme on 28 September 2015.

The successful cohort will be a mixture of serving constables alongside talented graduates, special constables and police staff.

These other candidates have already been recruited and will start in late September to complete one year as constable before the combined cohort is trained to sergeant and then inspector level.

Ch Supt Nicola Dale, who is leading the programme at the College, said: “This is a tough and testing programme, which will develop the next generation of police leaders. We’re looking for candidates who have the ability to reach at least the rank of superintendent during their careers.

“I hope that constables from across the service think about if they would be right for this programme, use the high potential development tool to assess themselves and talk to their managers and senior officers about their future development.”

To be eligible, the College of Policing states officers must be a serving regular constable (i.e. not a member of the Special Constabulary) and have the support of your chief officer.

Police constables can apply while in their probation. Probationary constables must have completed the full Initial Police Learning and Development Programme (IPLDP) and be signed off before starting the Fast Track programme.

Those holding OSPRE® parts 1/2 (either or both) are also eligible.
Temporary police sergeants currently undertaking work-based assessment (WBA) can apply, provided they are not likely to be confirmed as substantive in the rank before the programme start date.

According to the College of Policing, substantive police sergeants are not eligible to apply for this programme.

The College of Policing states: “It is an individual force decision as to whether they take part in the Fast Track Programme.”

More here http://www.college.police.uk/en/22091.htm